Monday 8 October 2012


I was half way through this drawing when I took a photograph.
When looking through my photos on the computer I saw this one and I thought that it made a nice image in itself. I like its detail compared to the rough outlines.

copyright 2012 by victoria farrance

latest fossil drawings

copyright 2012 by victoria farrance

Elephant eye

This is a drawing I did just to get a bit of practice and i feel it turned out to be a great success and it has sparked inspiration for a new self directed project and it has also gotten me a few commissions.

copyright "elephant eye" 2012 by victoria farrance

October 2012 group exhibition

I am part of a artist group called Immix. We have recently had an exhibition in Bristol at the bottom of park street (3rd October - 11th October).
I think so far it has been a very successful exhibit, and it has been nice to meet so many nice people.

Here are some images of my space within the exhibit.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

fossil project

I started a project on fossils but I hit a dead end as I could not understand what it is that i found so interesting. I then began to think, I really enjoy drawing them. That is because I love the texture to them and how they feel when you run your fingure across them. This will be an ongoing project to develop.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Line prints


Drawings for fishing project


Fishing project

This is a Lithographic print titled Beached

Fishing Project

This is a Lithographic print titled Mackerel Point.
At the end of my final year of University I started on a project that is based on my strongest memories from a fishing trip with my mother and father.
The work is based around the colours, textures and how I felt on that day.